Footwear plays a key role in the physiological development of feet, so let's choose them carefully
Feet have an essential role in the development of children which is much more than the mere support of the erect position. First years of life, then, are a key moment for the prevention of foot issues during the adult life. It is then vital to use, right from crawling and first steps, shoes that respects the physiological development of feet.
If at birth, the foot has a purely sensory function, when months pass by, the, fundamental, function of balancing and motor development is added.
When the baby starts crawling, then, let's check that his shoe is light, has a soft sole which is especially flexible in the right points, in order to not hinder the movements of feet.
While our child moves his first, hesitant steps, let's choose his shoe with the some care: a flexible shoe is needed for not constricting the foot, slightly structured on the heel to provide stability to his still precarious balance and light to avoid hindering his movements. This is the moment which the baby gradually learns walking dynamics.
And it's right through the walking exercise that the foot receives his first stimulation on the sole that strengthen the muscles and lead to the correct formation of the foot arch.
At each stage of growth, then, there must be the appropriate footwear: soft, flexible, light, with a stimulating insole and having the right proportion to give stability to our little explorer, who is getting more engaged day after day in conquering the World.