, "description": "Fever is the natural and useful defence of the immune system from aggressions of viruses and bacteria, but it can frighten parents...." }

in case of fever.....

Fever is the natural and useful defence of the immune system from aggressions of viruses and bacteria, but it can frighten parents....


Fever is a frequent occurrence, especially among children and is a physiological tool used by the body for defending itself from bacteria and viruses. These micro-organisms, in fact, find difficult to survive under high temperatures and fever is a way to defeat them. The raising of temperature is then a normal and required occurrence and it is the signal that the immune system of our son works properly. 

But, you know, fever frightens parents a bit, especially if it's high, and the baby is young. But let's not fall immediately into the temptation to administer an antifebrile drug, let the immune defences of the baby work, at least in the first stages. Let's step in when temperature exceeds 38/38.5°C or if the baby shows unease and discomfort. In any case, let's consult our paediatrician before administering any drug informing him on the evolution of the fever, on its duration, describing the illness and the behaviour of the baby and any contact with ill persons.

Obviously, the paediatrician must be informed on the mode the temperature was taken and it is advisable to follow a single measurement procedure throughout the illness.

What can we do if our baby has a temperature? If the baby is breast fed, let's continue feeding him in that way. If he is older and he is not so hungry, let's not force him but rather propose small light and frequent meals. Give to him frequently water, tea, camomile to drink, do not cover him too much and keep him as much calm as possible. Let him sleep a lot so that his immune system can work hardly to help the baby to recover well and quicker.

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